Dubai Health Authority sets new advanced standards for oncology services.

Dubai Health Authority sets new advanced standards for oncology services.

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has established new standards for regulating the provision of oncology services in health facilities in Dubai. This initiative is in collaboration with the Emirates Oncology Society and is aligned with Dubai's Healthcare Strategy 2026. The aim is to create a pioneering healthcare system that boosts patient confidence and contributes to making Dubai one of the leading healthcare destinations with the best patient outcomes.
The DHA's efforts to develop the healthcare sector in Dubai include ensuring the provision of specialized, high-quality treatment services to improve patient safety.
During a workshop held in collaboration with Professor Humaid Al Shamsi, Chairman of the Oncology Society at the Emirates Medical Association at Raffles Hotel—Dubai, DHA reviewed the new standards for Oncology services. The document has been developed in accordance with UAE legislation and the best international practices in the field.
Dr. Marwan Al Mulla, CEO of the Health Regulation Sector at DHA, stressed that oncology services remain one of the main challenges for health authorities worldwide. DHA has taken the initiative to develop new standards aimed at building an effective system and providing advanced services in this field.
The new standards also reflect DHA's commitment to achieving the best outcomes for patients by offering high-quality diagnostic and therapeutic services and improving patient experience in their journey to recovery. Regulations will also contribute to enhancing the efficiency, sustainability, and accessibility of healthcare within a patient-centered system.
These standards will encourage healthcare providers to offer high-quality and specialized services in oncology according to the best international practices, enhancing Dubai's position as a leading healthcare destination regionally and globally.
Dr. Hanan Obaid, Director of the Health Policies and Standards department at the DHA, stated that the new standards were developed with a focus on patient-centered care and include a set of regulations and requirements related to medical care, patient safety, KPIs for quality and performance for measuring and monitoring the effectiveness of the oncology services in the health facilities.
Additionally, Dr. Khulood Al Sayegh, Head of the Standards and Guidelines Section at DHA, highlighted several key points related to the implementation of the new standards for providing oncology services as required by DHA.
The workshop emphasized the fast progress in the field of oncology, focusing on precise diagnostic services, enhancing the integration of multispecialty care, and prioritizing patient outcomes and quality of life. The use of technologies and smart solutions in patient care programs was also stressed.
Overall, the workshop addressed the significance of value-based, effective, and cost-efficient care while ensuring the sustainability and accessibility of these vital services. It also focused on developing oncology services to meet future needs and challenges in patient diagnosis and healthcare services.